Friday, 19 April 2013

Second Week of Final Major Project

Monday 15th April .

Today was pretty straight forward as we just cracked on with getting our game design document up to a decent standard. Working together as a group to fill out the document allowed us to pretty much finish the game design document to a certain extent.

Matt and me then moved our attention to finding a decent rally car model that could be used within our game. Tim created a Gantt chart for us to follow which will be used to keep us on track to make our game on time and to a good standard. Matt and me looked around and found a Subaru Rally car that we all liked; unfortunately that car had multiply problems, and was falsely advertised. After dealing with this problem, and discarding the rubbish Subaru model, we then looked elsewhere on the website and found a Lancer WRC car, which was perfect for our game and for us to manipulate to out needs.

 Our group gantt chart (Click Image to enlarge)

My individual schedule
Our Lancer WRC 
(This was bought by the team, we didn't make it or claim to have made it, but we do own the rights to this model) 

Wednesday 17th April.

This week was the week we started doing concept art for our game, this is something we all set ourselves to do. After checking through the game design document to make sure everything was good to go, we then went away to do concept art. I went home and started drawing concept art for our game. My first piece of concept art was my sponsor rally car “Orange Power". I will be drawing out concept art in class, which will show some of the ideas I have of how our game will look and is laid out within the game, including some object designs.

My First piece of concept art

A blog post will be made of all the concept art i've created. 

From this week, I feel the progress has been great, we have a car model ready to go, allowing Matt to play around with the car and learn how to use it to our advantage. Having the car model also means we can do concept art around the cars design, from sponsors for the car, to it's colour scheme. Getting the concept art done will allow us to see how our game will look and will be constructed within the game.

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