Thursday 6 June 2013

Eighth and Ninth Week Of Final Major Project

29th May

Today Tim and me assisted Matt in planning and building our race track within unity. I helped out as much as I could. Afterwards I tried my best to type up any document work and insure that my blog is up to date.

3rd June

Matt had managed to create the race track perfectly. I'm generally impressed with the progress that Matt has done in making our game in Unity, although people wont play it now since the change to our end project, the game still needs to be made so we can make videos and gameplay footage for our showreel and game trailer.

Tim and me later imported all of our made models into the game, which took a while to do, as each model imported into unity didn't apply the textures to the models. We had to find each texture file and apply them again to the naked model, it was a task in a half and took sometime to do.

Seeing the models in the game and the progress taken to import them, really gave me a buzz and a since of achievement to see my models within a game engine, this is something I've never done and I feel as if I have learned a lot from watching Matt import the models in Unity. I feel relieved to see all my models working just fine after having a range of problems while making my models.

There was only one problem with the models which I had to quickly fix, this was the planes on the checkpoints, start/finish and banner. They had no back planes, meaning I had to reopen the model and apply back planes to the front planes, as when the camera turned in unity the back of the front plane disappeared this is because there is no information or textures applied to the back of the front planes.  I didn't apply a back plane to the banner as it turns out the banner really doesn't need one, the rest did have back planes added to them because they would be seen by the players of the game and any video footage, this was an easy fix so no problem.

(Example of my checkpoint and banner models)

(Example of my cactus, speaker, rock, and palm tree)

(Example of our level in unity with models spread out)

 (Example of my checkpoint in correct size and placement)

 (Example of checkpoint)
(Example of my desert grass model in unity, it turned out to be okay in the end, the back part doesn't even show in the game so it doesn't matter about it's over size cardboard shape.)

Matt has done a fantastic job in placing our models around the track, as well as constructing the track. I really feel because of the planning and designs we did for our game it has allowed us to create a wonderful and yet at the same time crazy little game.

5th June

Today we collected a lot of game footage needed for our game trailer and showreel from Matt's made level/game within unity. Now that all our models and textures have been applied into our game we're able to collect footage. Collecting the footage took a while, as we needed to select the correct and suitable type of materiel needed to be displayed within our game trailer and showreel. it was a little tricky at time when capturing footage especially as the computer mouse sometimes got in the way of some of the footage.

Despite having to make changes to our end project, the game still needs to be somewhat made to a certain level, as we need game footage for our game trailer and showreel. Finally getting the game level and track made and importing all of our models into unity, has given me nothing but pleasure. It's such a relief to see that all my models are working and that our game is at a good level in which we can use for our game trailer and showreel. It's so nice to see everything finally coming together.

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