Thursday 9 May 2013

Fifth Week Of Final Major Project

8th May

Today I started working on the 3D Model of the checkpoint, which can also be used as the start line and finished line. Although our model assets list hasn't been created yet, as this has been prolonged to next week, me and Tim both agreed that I would be making the checkpoint, so I made a start on this.

 (Example of my made bar)

I started working on the metal bar just like I designed in the concept art, the metal bar took me along time to make within Zbrush. I tried to keep it low poly so I never once divided the models parts to increase the quality of the poly for better graphics and image, as we want our models to look blurry and low, just like Sega Rally's game graphics.

(Example of my cloned bar)

Once I done the metal bar I merged all the bars together to make one whole metal bar. I then just simply copied and pasted my metal bar to make two metal bars, insuring they were lined up properly for the plane that I need to insert later. I have now almost completed my start, finish, and checkpoint.

All I did next was to add a flat plane in-between the two metal bars to finish my checkpoint, start, and finish line.
The flat plane can also be stretched out vertical to make a nicely sized banner, this allows me to hit two birds with one stone, so this can also be used as a banner.

(Example of my finish checkpoint and banner)

All I need to do now is texture my model, I will ask Tim to provide me with a Start, Finish, and Checkpoint textures for my model, and if possible a banner advertisement as this can now be used as the banner for our game.

Today's work on my model really helped me get into and feel apart of our module, seeing the first parts of our game coming alive makes me feel very optimistic about our game. I hope to do more models soon, the sooner the better. Having a complete list ready and made next week will allow me to finally see what models I will be making, including track parts.

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